B. Baby, Backbone, Backer, Backup, Ball of fire, Baron, Beata (fem. ver. of:), Beatus, Beaut, Beauty, Beau ideal, Bee's Knees, Begetter, Being, Bel-esprit, Believer, Belle, Benchmark, Benefactor, Benefactress, Beneficiary, Benefit, Bestower, Bibliophile, Big cheese, Big enchilada, Big fish, Big gun, Big wheel, Bigwig, Biophile,Blessing, Bodyguard, Bon vivant, Boss, Booster, Brain, Brass, Brother, Bud, Buddy, Buff,Bundle of energy, Bundle of joy, Builder

C. Campaigner, Captain, Carer, Caretaker, Cartophile, Catalyst, Cat's meow, Cause, Cavalier, Celebrant, Celebrator, Center of attention, CEO, CFO, Chair, Chairperson, Chamberlain,Champ, Champion, Chaperon, Charmer, Cherub, Cherisher, Chief, Chieftan, Child, Chum, Cinephile,Clerisy,Climber, Coadjutant, Coadjutor, Cognoscente, Cognoscenti, Cohort, Coiner, Collaborator, Colleague, Collector, Comforter, Commander, Companion, Compeller, Complement, Composer, Comrade, Concert pianist, Concierge, Conductor, Confederate, Conferrer, Confidant, Confrere, Connoisseur, Conservator, Consoler, Consul, Consultant, Contributor, Controller, Convive, Cooperator, Corker, Cornerstone, Cosmocrat, Cosmopolitan/Cosmopolite, Councillor, Counsel, Counselor, Counsellor, Count, Co-worker, Crackerjack, Craftsperson, Creator, Credit, Crew, Cub, Curator, Custodian, Cynosure

D. Dad, Dancer, Darling, Daughter, Dean, Dear, Defender, Deipnosophist,Demophile,Designer, Devisee, Devisor, Devotee, Digerati,Dilly, Director, Disciple, Discophile, Discoverer, Distributor, Doer, Doll, Donee, Donor, Doter (rare: doater), Doozy, Doula, Doyen/Doyenne, Dream, Dreamboat, Duke, Dynamo

E. Eager beaver, Earl, Ecstatic, Einstein, Elder, Employer, Enchanter, Enchantress, Encourager, Endorser, Engineer, Enkindler, Enophile, Ensurer, Entertainer, Enthusiast, Entrepreneur, Epididact, Epicure, Epicurean, Epitome, Ergophile,Escort, Essence, Eudaimonist, Example, Exec, Executive, Exemplar, Excellency, Experimenter, Expert, Exponent

English elocution is existence extant. Expertise in executing expression evaluates everybody's emblematic energy of ennui or excellence. Enlightened enunciation is essential to an enduring ego and to enjoyably eventful, easygoing or enthusiastic, exchange. Effective efficiency in expressive elocution evaluates the essence and experience of each and every entity.

Express exquisitely. Effective executive emergence is electric, energetic, engaging, earnest, ethical, and equally enlightened and enlightening. It evolves and excites everyone. It empowers the everyday to emanate enchantment, elation, excitement, and effervescence. Executing exemplary expression emancipates the enjoyable, energizes the exceptional, engages the exciting, and electrifies the ebullient with endearing exuberance. Eagerly encourage the epitome: Endeavour to express extraordinary excellence.

Dcm4chee install windows. F. Facilitator, Family, Fan, Fancier, Fascinator, Fashioner, Favourite, Fellow worker, Fiancé, Financier, Fireball, Fireman, First in command, Flame, Folks, Foodie, Foodophile, Force, Forebearer, Forefather, Foreman, Forerunner, Foreseer, Foundation, Founder, Fount, Fountain, Fountainhead, Francophile, Friend

G.Gallophile, Gastronome, Gastronomer, Gastronomist, Generator, Gem, Genius, Gentleman, Gentlewoman, Germanophile,Gift, Givee, Giver, Godparent, Godsend, Go-getter, Good egg, Good Samaritan, Good spirit, Good thing, Gourmet, Governor, Grandee, Grantee, Grantor, Grubstaker, Guarantor, Guardian, Guest, Guidance counsellor, Guide, Guru

H. Handler, Hard worker, Head, Head honcho, Head person, Heart, Heartthrob, Heavy hitter, Heavyweight, Height, Heir, Heiress, Heliophile, Hellenophile, Help, Helper, Helpmate, Heritor (Middle English), Heritress (Middle English), Heritrix (Middle English), Hero, Heroine, Highflier, High-flier, Hippophile, Hit, Homemaker, Hopeful, Host, Hotshot, Hot stuff, House-sitter, Human being, Humanitarian, Humdinger, Husband

I.Icon, Iconophile, Ideal, Idol, Idolizer, Illuminator, Improvement, Inamorata, Inamorato, Individual, Indophile, Industrialist, Infant, Influence, Influential, Inheritor, Initiator, Innocent, Innovator, Inspiration, Inspirer, Inspiriter, Institutor, Intellect, Intellectual, Intelligentsia, Intimate, Introducer, Inventor, Invitee, Inviter, Iranophile

J. Jazzophile,Jewel

K. Keeper, Key, Kingpin, Knight, Knockout

L. Ladies' man, Lady, Lamb, Latinophile,Latitudinarian, Laureate, Lead, Leader, Leading figure, Leading light, Legatee, Legator, Legend, Legislator, Liberal, Libertarian, Librocubicularist, Lieutenant, Life-of-the-party, Lightworker, Linguaphile, Little one, Livewire, Live one, Logophile, Lollapalozza, Lord, Lover, Lulu, Luminary

M.Maestro, Magician, Magistrate, Maker, Major-domo, Manager, Marquess, Marquis, Marvel, Master, Mastermind, Matriarch, Materfamilias, Maven, Mediator, Meditator, Meliorist, Memory-maker, Mentor, Metropolitan, Minder, Miracle, Miracle worker, Mitigator, Mate, Model, Mom, Monitor, Moppet, Mother, Motor, Mover, Mover and shaker, Motivator, Musicophile, Mycophile

N. Nabob, Neighbour, Nemophilist, Neophile, Neonate,Neoteric, Nestling, Newborn, Nipper, Nobleman, Nonesuch, Notable, No slouch, Number one, Numero uno, Nurse, Nursling, Nurturer

O. object of affection, Officer, Official, Offspring, Oenophile,Omnist, One and only, Operator, Optimist, Orchestrator, Orchidophile, Organizer, Original, Originator, Ornithophile, Overseer, Owner

P. Pacifier, Pal, Paladin, Pangloss, Pansophist, Paraclete, Paradigm, Paragon,Paramount, Pard, Parent, Participant, Partisan, Partner, Paterfamilias,Pathfinder, Patriarch, Patron, Peach, Pearl, Peacekeeper, Peacemaker, Peer, Percipient, Perfectibilian, Perfectibilist, Perfectionist, Performer, Personality, Persophile, Pet, Phenom,Phenomenon, Philalethist, Philanthropist, Philomath,Philogynist,Philonoist,Philosopher, Pigsney,Pilot, Pinnacle, Pinup, Pin-up, Pioneer, Pip/Pippin, Pistol, Planner, Player, Playmate, Plum, Pluviophile, Poet, Policy maker, Polymath, Pogonophile, Possessor, Postulant, Potentate,Power broker, Powerhouse, Preceptor, Premier, Presence, Presenter, President, Prevailer,Prime mover, Primogenitor, Prince, Princess, Principal, Pro, Problem-solver, Proconsul, Procreator, Proctor, Prodigy, Producer, Professional, Professor, Progeny, Progenitor, Promoter, Promulgator, Prophet, Propitiator, Proponent, Proposer, Proprietor, Protagonist,Protean,Protector, Protégé, Protégée, Provider, Publisher, Purist, Purveyor

Q. Qualtagh

R. Raconteur, Raconteuse, Rain-maker, Reacher, Receiver,Recipient, Reliever, Regulator, Rejoicer, Representative, Researcher, Resolver, Resource, Retrophile, Rewarder, Right-hand person, Ripsnorter, Role model, Romantic, Romeo, Rooter, Ruler, Runner, Russophile

S.Sage, Saint, Salt of the earth, Santa Claus, Saver, Saviour, Savant, Schatzi, Scholar, Scholarch,Scion, Scripter, Sculptor, Secret weapon, Seeker, Self-Starter, Sentinel, Servant, Server, Sharpy, Shaver, Significant other, Sinophile,Sire, Sister, Skipper, Small fry, Smoothie, Soul, Soul mate, Sovereign, Spark plug, Specialist, Sponsor, Sprite, Sprout, Squire, Standard, Standout, Star, Straight shooter, Stipendiary, Strategist, Socializer, Socius, Sockdolager/Sockdologer, Solon, Something, Something else, Specialist, Stabilizer, Staker, Steward, Stipendiary, Stripling, Striver, Student, Stylist, Success, Successor, Sugar, Suitor, Superintendent, Superior, Superman, Superstar, Superwoman, Supervisor, Supplier, Support, Supporter, Surety, Survivor, Swain, Sweetheart


T. Tadpole, Teacher, Teammate, a 10, Technophile,Testator, Teutonophile/Teutophile,Thalassophile, Thaumatologist, Theodidact, Theotokos,Thinker, Titleholder, Tootsie, Top dog, Tot, Trailblazer, Trainer, Treasure, Trier, True love, Trustee, Turophile, Tutelary, Tutor, Tycoon, Typhlophile


U. Underwriter, Up-and-comer, Upholder, Urchin

V. Validator, Valedictorian, Vaulter, Victor, Victress, Victrix, Videophile, Viscount, VIP, Visitor, Visionary, Virtuoso, Volunteer, Votary

W. Warantee, Warantor, Warden, Wellspring, Well-wisher, Wheeler and dealer, Whip, Whippersnapper, Whiz, Whiz kid, Whizz, Wife, Winner, Wizard, Wonder, Wooer, Wordsmith, Workhorse, Workmate, Worshiper, Writer, Wunderkind


Y.Youngster, Younker, Youth

X. Xenophile

See Pet Names in the Romantic Nouns


Torment tides of numenera focus. Positive Abstract Nouns (ex. 'Wonderfulness')